Smoking Restrictions at Maricopa County Fashion Shows: What You Need to Know

The Maricopa County Community College District is dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable, and educationally productive environment for students, employees, and visitors. To this end, the district has implemented a ban on smoking in all workplaces. This ban will be communicated to all current employees prior to its effective date and to all potential employees at the time of their employment application. Furthermore, any establishment, facility, or outdoor area may be declared a non-smoking place by its owner, operator, manager, or other person or entity in control. No employer can fire or retaliate against an employee for exercising their rights granted by this section or for reporting or attempting to prosecute a violation of this section.

Any person who smokes in a place where smoking is prohibited commits a misdemeanor with a fine of not less than fifty dollars or more than three hundred dollars. This section does not prevent political subdivisions from adopting ordinances or regulations that are more restrictive than this article, nor does it repeal any existing ordinance or regulation that is more restrictive than this article. In addition, supporting signs prohibiting the use of smoking and tobacco instruments will be posted at all university and district locations. Tribal Sovereignty is also respected; this section does not apply to indigenous reservations as defined in ARS 42-3301 (). All money from the smoke-free zone fund for Arizona will be used to enforce the provisions of this section, but if money remains after the department has met its enforcement obligations, that remaining money will be deposited in the tobacco product tax fund and used in educational programs to reduce and eliminate tobacco use and for no other purpose. So what does this mean for fashion shows in Maricopa County? The answer is simple: smoking is prohibited in all fashion shows held in Maricopa County.

This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and any other form of smoking. Violators of this rule may face fines of up to three hundred dollars. Furthermore, supporting signs prohibiting the use of smoking and tobacco instruments will be posted at all fashion show locations. It is important to note that this rule applies to all fashion shows held in Maricopa County regardless of size or type. This includes both indoor and outdoor fashion shows.

Additionally, it applies to all attendees of the fashion show regardless of age or status. It is also important to note that tribal sovereignty is respected; this section does not apply to indigenous reservations as defined in ARS 42-3301 ().In conclusion, smoking is strictly prohibited at all fashion shows held in Maricopa County. Those who violate this rule may face fines of up to three hundred dollars. Additionally, supporting signs prohibiting the use of smoking and tobacco instruments will be posted at all fashion show locations.

It is essential to remember that this rule applies to all fashion shows held in Maricopa County regardless of size or type.

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